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Activists and Peace Builders coalition

May 26th, 2018 5:00PM- 8:00PM
Brook Presbyterian Church
116 6th street, Hillburn, NY 10931

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4th Annual Inter-faith Inter-sectional Gathering

Celebrating the Ancient Buddhist Festival of Vesak

Are you ready to usher in the "Peace Tipping Point"
May 26th, 2018
Ramapough Community Center
189 Stag Hill Road, Mahwah NJ 07430
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"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing"
Arundhati Roy
Join Peace Leaders, Peace Activists and people from all walks of life

Our goal: To bring together peace builders, activists, groups, organizations and people like you on a common platform to help usher in dynamic, vibrant peace. This peace shows up everyday in our actions, thoughts and intentions, thereby creating the momentum needed to reach the "Peace Tipping Point"


Dynamic peace is about the thriving simplicity of human existence guided by our dynamic compassion that honors the interdependent nature of all creation. 


The ancient festival of Vesak is a celebration of Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death.

During this festival we will

1. Hear personal stories and stories from various spiritual traditions about what it means to have personal, interpersonal and societal contributions towards dynamic peace.

2. Learn and chant peace prayers from different peace traditions.

5. Take home simple strategies that you can apply in your life and in your interaction with society at large so you can partner in the unfolding dynamic peace in the world.

4. Receive water charged with peace prayers.

5. Share wholesome food. 



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